Website Development Services

MobileEngines is a web development company that caters to all business types. Our office is located in Downtown Vallejo, CA. We specialize in custom coding special features and functionality for your website that converts users into loyal customers. Here you can learn more about the web development services we offer and what sets us apart from any other web development company near you.

What is Website Development?

Website development also known as web development is the area of website design that focuses on developing new features and functionality for your website. Typically a website designer will come up with the concept, layout and color scheme for your website whereas a web developer will take that design and code it into a functional website that you can use in a web browser. Often a web designer will also code your website but sometimes designers focus only on the design aspect of your website and hand it off to a developer.

These days the lines are often blurred between website developers and website designers so don’t be surprised or alarmed if you hear the terms used interchangeably by a web design agency.

How Is Website Development Different From Website Design?

Normally website developers address the backend tasks with the creation or maintenance of a website. The web developer will use frontend technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript to manipulate the frontend portion of the website that you see and interact with.

However in addition to that, website developers will also take care of things on the backend that you don’t see like implementing the code that takes the information from a website form and storing it in a database or sending you a response when you subscribe to a newsletter. Web developers use a myriad of technologies on the backend to make websites more functional like PHP, Ruby, PERL, Python and Node JS.

What Do Web Developers Do?

The roles of a website developer can vary ranging from fixing bugs on the frontend or backend of a website or custom coding new features to building full-blown website applications like a video content site or a social media website.

Web developers use tools like code editors, compilers and interpreters to turn the human readable code we create into a language that computers understand to carry out the instructions written in the code.

Website developers also use frameworks and toolkits like BootStrap, Tailwind CSS and Bulma that comes packed with reusable components like buttons, form elements, cards, grid systems and more to speed up development but for smaller projects and tasks the web developer might write custom code as it is often times smaller in size and loads faster.

Web Development for Your Small Business

Small businesses sometimes need to enlist a web developer to create custom applications and features like management, file transfer, financial and legal tools for companies like yours. Normally website developers will automate the processes you would do manually and create code that automates your tasks with a few simple clicks or button pushes.

Say for example you regularly get new items for sale and you need to enter these products manually into your inventory system, a web developer will devise a system that can allow you to use a barcode scanner to enter that information into a database so that you don’t have to do that work by hand.

Corporate Web Development Solutions

Web developers can also be enterprise developers that create large scale applications and systems for your company like time tracking, inventory, dashboard development, geolocation applications and more. The possibilities are endless and they definitely help to make companies run more efficiently and boost productivity.

Dental Practice Web Development

Even dental practices can utilize the expertise of a web developer when the need for a custom application or tool arises. This is because medical and dental applications have to be HIPAA and ARIA compliant which are areas of expertise that not only require sound knowledge but help to protect you from violating federal laws and help protect you against liabilities that your business may not be aware of.

Web Development for Law Firms

Law firm web development is also a specialty that web developers engage in because law firms need access to documents quickly and securely. Legal firms need to have a secure, reliable and easy to use system to transfer documents from many different sources and in a timely manner. Not only do documents need to be transferred quickly and reliably, these documents absolutely must be secure before they leave the website, during transmission, when stored on the recipients end and even up to when they are eventually opened.


MobileEngines has expertise in developing applications for all of the above scenarios because we have created real world applications for clients in the past. If you need guidance or a knowledgeable source to consult with for your next big project, keep us in mind. We have the tools and expertise to help you develop the type of tool that will meet and in most cases exceed your expectations.

We look forward to helping you launch a successful website for your small business, startup, product or service. If you are located in the Vallejo, CA area please give us a call and stop by our office or shoot us an email. If you have questions or need help planning your web design project, feel free to contact us for a free consultation or learn more about us online at

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